Frontiir’s first major contribution in Myanmar was the development and donation of UniNet in 2013 to address the key challenges in the education sector. UniNet leverages leapfrog technology to establish a campus-wide WiFi network and core IT infrastructure at the University of Computer Studies, Yangon. Frontiir also implemented a high-speed inter-campus network between the three main Technology and Computer Studies Universities in Yangon, further developing the capacity of these higher learning institutions.

Frontiir is the Official Information & Communications Technology Sponsor and Partner of SEA Games in Myanmar. Frontiir donated the technology to power the historic 27th SEA Games in 2013, with our Private Network, intranet between four cities across 24 venues, and SEA Games Verification and Information System (SVIS) which enabled quick delivery of the live Game scores and verification to the Delegates. With this achievement, Frontiir was the first to serve 50,000 spectators in a sports arena in Myanmar with our WiFi network.
Education Sector

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) being a part of Frontiir’s ways of doing business, contribution to Myanmar community continued since its first donation with UniNet in 2013, particularly in education and health sectors. Frontiir has ongoing training support to the government agencies and recently, in 2019, contributed to establishment of the President Mahn Win Maung Learning Center at the Yangon Regional Government Compound and has on-going training programs for the family and staff members in IT and English with a native English speaker.
Health Care Sector
In the health care sector, Frontiir established videoconferencing facilities for the Yangon Regional Teaching Hospital in 2018, enabling the health professionals to receive ongoing training from countries such as Japan, India, UK, and Singapore, as well as consult cases with experts in other countries.
Recently with COVID-19 crisis, Frontiir established a Health Net program which provides communications centers with network connectivity in the hospitals in Yangon Region for videoconferencing with health departments. Additionally, Frontiir also provides a WiFi network in facility quarantine centers, relieving the sense of isolation and allowing people to connect.
Myanmar Net for Community
Frontiir supported the creation of many donation plans as a responsible, community-centered organization, focused on making the COVID-19 period easier to pass for the Myanmar people.
As Myanmar combats the COVID-19 pandemic, Frontiir contributed to relieving the pressure of the pandemic by creating Myanmar Net for Community program where Frontiir was able to secure shipments on surgical masks and gloves during times of scarcity and donated to the hospitals and essential government services. While many struggled with food sustainability during the lockdown period, Frontiir donated rice donations to the communities-in-need.